This 100-page
book is packed with
everything you need to know
about the benefits of
incorporating and Nevada
corporations and LLCs. |
field_validator("Surname", $_POST["surname"], "string", 2, 5);
field_validator("First Name", $_POST["first_name"], "string", 2, 50);
field_validator("Last Name", $_POST["last_name"], "string", 2, 50);
field_validator("Phone", $_POST["phone"], "phone", 7, 20);
field_validator("Email", $_POST["email"], "email", 6, 200);
// if there are $messages, errors were found in validating form data
$surname = $_POST["surname"];
$first_name = formatName($_POST["first_name"]);
$last_name = formatName($_POST["last_name"]);
$phone = $_POST["phone"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
$age = $_POST["age"];
$runbusiness = $_POST["runbusiness"];
$reducetax = $_POST["reducetax"];
$protectlawsuit = $_POST["protectlawsuit"];
$revenue = $_POST["revenue"];
$add_inquiry = $_POST["add_inquiry"];
$download = "true";
$aff_source = $code;
$aff_code_for_query = $_SESSION["aff_id"];
$webnameurl = $_GET["webname"];
// Send referrals to CRM
//--------------------- Referral 1 ----------------------------------->
// Set array for CURL
$curl_post_arr = array(
"first_name" => $first_name,
"last_name" => $last_name,
"phone" => $phone,
"email" => $email,
"form_webpage" => "http://nchaffiliates.com/ ".$webnameurl."/",
"lead_source" => "Referred by aff num: ".$aff_id." on nchaffiliates.com page.",
"keywords" => $_SESSION["keywords"],
"comments" => "Age Range: ".$age." | Runs Biz?: ".$runbusiness." | Want Tax Reduce?: ".$reducetax." | Feels Protected?: ".$protectlawsuit." | Revenue: ".$revenue." | Comments: ".$add_inquiry,
"company_lead" => "1" // nchc=1, csc=2, national=3
$fields = "";
foreach( $curl_post_arr as $key => $value ) $fields .= "$key=" . urlencode( $value ) . "&";
############################## Post to NCH CRM ###############################
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"https://post.nchinc.net/WebLeads/entry.aspx");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, rtrim( $fields, "& " ));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$resp = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
//--------------------- end: Referral 1 ----------------------------------->
$date = date("F j, Y");
$time = date("g:i a");
// Send Thank You email
// get html page version
include "includes/html_mail.php";
$html_contents = ob_get_contents();
// --------------------->
// get html page version
include "includes/text_mail.txt";
$text_contents = ob_get_contents();
// --------------------->
// Email thank you to user
include "includes/mail.class.php"; // mail class
$subject = "NCH Thank You :: Nevada Corporate Headquarters";
$full_name_to = $first_name." ".$last_name;
$to = array($email, $full_name_to); // epaige@nchinc.com
$from = array("info@nchinc.com", "NCH Affiliates"); // epaige@nchinc.com
$mimemail = new nxs_mimemail();
$mimemail->new_mail($from, $to, $subject, $text_contents, $html_contents);
//$mimemail->add_attachment($filename_full, $filename); // full path to file, file name only if in this directory
print "Thank You";
// end: thank you email
header("Location: http://www.nchinc.com/thankyou.htm");
//} // end if $duplicate != "true"
} // end if $messages
// if form wasn't submitted yet
function doIndex() {
global $messages;
print "";
} ?>
The corporation is the most flexible and dynamic business entity. It offers remarkable advantages that generally prevail over alternative business structures; thus, the corporation is the most commonly used in business. A legal entity created independently from the individual owner and operator separates a corporation's debts and taxes from its owners or shareholders; by this means, the greatest personal liability protection of all business structures is provided. |
The LLC, a hybrid entity that combines the pass through attributes of a partnership with the corporate characteristics of limited liability, distributes profits and losses directly to the individual members of the LLC who are taxed at their personal tax rates. An LLC can be used to hold property or transact any type of business, and members' personal assets are protected in the event of a business claim. The LLC separates its members from the business itself; consequently, there can be no personal liability for LLC debts. |
Incorporating separates your business assets from your personal assets to prevent your savings, home, retirement and other personal assets from being targeted by any lawsuit against your business. In addition, incorporating may create additional tax deductions that could put money back on the bottom line of your business.
Why Incorporate in Nevada?
Nevada is known as an extremely pro-business state; Nevada has no corporate income tax and no franchise tax. Nevada is one of the few states where the corporate veil has never been pierced, except in instances of fraud.
Why Incorporate with Nevada Corporate Headquarters, Inc. (NCH)?
Unlike many other incorporating companies, NCH is a one-stop, full service incorporator. Senior Consultants are certified asset protection specialists. NCH is the largest incorporating service in Nevada. Staff support and systems make creating your business and protecting your assets easy, quick and convenient. Count on NCH to help you grow you business and protect your family's future.